Saturday, September 22, 2012

So a modern catch up

Where do I start..

Well I am currently sitting at the roots sipping on a glass of wine and watching a candle flicker.

Yes this sounds truly boring, but here me out.

So let me start with a few things to update u on my life.

I have recently taken a turn in my life a good turn u think, but I feel in a state of limbo.

I have dropped a few extra bags that I have been carrying around with me.
Ok so let me explain ( Yes zzz I know, but it needs to come out) I promise I won't bore you I'll make it quick!

First bag I dropped is this idea of being someone I'm not.

Second, is ending a dead end path. This is the first time in about three years that I am free! It the first time I have the chance to live! If u want to know more email me or call!

Third, I stood up for something I believed in. Here is a little hint I clearly told someone that it is time to make a decision and move forward.

Four, I am promising myself only to take on what I love! I am only one person with limited time make it count!

Ok so that was fun... So let me tell u one more thing on that note. I finally found the mentor that I need. He stumbled in to my life by accident but let me tell you I am so happy he did! He has helped me really find myself. What I mean is the little girl that i use to be, drive and passion that I have been missing for a few years! He has helped me move the road block that has caused me great pain.

No I'm not dating him and he is not even close to a match( for all u nosy ones out there) he is a friend and a mentor!

Ok, some fun now!

I went out with a dodgeball girl today to a flower warehouse! Bad place for me! I now have three new plants and two massive flower arrangements.

After flower shopping we went for Phu! All I can say is yum!

One thing I realized today is I'm truly homesick! I miss being able to have a close group of friends over and be able to see my family every now and then!

I'm not saying I would ever move home, but I will say I am over this Minnesota nice!

Let me explain. We are nice to your face but we don't trust u to invite you in to our circle! I constantly feel like the outsider looking in. It drives me nuts but I'm a working on projects that are keeping me busy. I miss the mt way of if I like u then u are part of the group none of this outside stuff!

And now for the fun!

I went to an Asian store in Friday and was asking about the black and red rice and the guy who worked there told me they both tasted like a box of grass seed. Made me laugh so hard!

So it is official the Cheshire cat is out and I'm out of words! On to pictures! More later!

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