Saturday, September 22, 2012

So a modern catch up

Where do I start..

Well I am currently sitting at the roots sipping on a glass of wine and watching a candle flicker.

Yes this sounds truly boring, but here me out.

So let me start with a few things to update u on my life.

I have recently taken a turn in my life a good turn u think, but I feel in a state of limbo.

I have dropped a few extra bags that I have been carrying around with me.
Ok so let me explain ( Yes zzz I know, but it needs to come out) I promise I won't bore you I'll make it quick!

First bag I dropped is this idea of being someone I'm not.

Second, is ending a dead end path. This is the first time in about three years that I am free! It the first time I have the chance to live! If u want to know more email me or call!

Third, I stood up for something I believed in. Here is a little hint I clearly told someone that it is time to make a decision and move forward.

Four, I am promising myself only to take on what I love! I am only one person with limited time make it count!

Ok so that was fun... So let me tell u one more thing on that note. I finally found the mentor that I need. He stumbled in to my life by accident but let me tell you I am so happy he did! He has helped me really find myself. What I mean is the little girl that i use to be, drive and passion that I have been missing for a few years! He has helped me move the road block that has caused me great pain.

No I'm not dating him and he is not even close to a match( for all u nosy ones out there) he is a friend and a mentor!

Ok, some fun now!

I went out with a dodgeball girl today to a flower warehouse! Bad place for me! I now have three new plants and two massive flower arrangements.

After flower shopping we went for Phu! All I can say is yum!

One thing I realized today is I'm truly homesick! I miss being able to have a close group of friends over and be able to see my family every now and then!

I'm not saying I would ever move home, but I will say I am over this Minnesota nice!

Let me explain. We are nice to your face but we don't trust u to invite you in to our circle! I constantly feel like the outsider looking in. It drives me nuts but I'm a working on projects that are keeping me busy. I miss the mt way of if I like u then u are part of the group none of this outside stuff!

And now for the fun!

I went to an Asian store in Friday and was asking about the black and red rice and the guy who worked there told me they both tasted like a box of grass seed. Made me laugh so hard!

So it is official the Cheshire cat is out and I'm out of words! On to pictures! More later!

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Something about fall days like today, I just love!

It's the type of day that just lends itself to cooking. (I have a garlic pork roast but some how I have a feeling that's not going to happen today.

Update on my week..... Cricket .... That's about all I have to say about that one.

I do have to tell I found more creepy cupcakes! I think that they follow me around!

I am not trying to find these balls of frosting but they find me....:()

Oh yes, I do have tell u that Siri is crazy! I tried to say call Leselle, and she thought I wanted to search the web.( see below)

Ok last thing for u.. Rosy( my navigator) was super crabby on Thursday so I asked a friend if they made digital chocolate. I received a digital chocolate cake( see below)

I will say since I gave it to her, she has been super nice. Might want to try it if ur navigator is being ..itchy

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oh the thing I ponder.

So, I have realized I have skill. The skill of convincing myself not to do things like exercise. I have realized that if I come home after work there is about a six percent chance that I will leave my house afterward.

Also, on my list of skills, I can say I officially rock at taking naps! It does not mater what time of day it is, how tired I am, or even if I just woke up from a nap. I can still manage to squeeze in another nap!

Ok, so here's some fun stuff to ponder. Today, I was told that I'm a creepy market person! Guess what that means? I AM DOING MY JOB! I love i!

Next thing to ponder, does ice cream with carmel count as a healthy dinner? My gut says oh heck yes;)

So, yesterday after boot camp I saw a reflection that was worth sharing. ( can I say cars have a dark side! Or at least this one was trying to be batman!)

Well I am in a slacker mood so I think it is time for another.... You guessed it... Nap time!

Oh yes, almost forgot about this creepy ad for cat groomers.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Today's adventures

Can I say coffee anyone?

I had so much coffee that at one am I am still feeling it.

So, here's what I did today.

Got up and made a maple latte and worked on some photo stuff. Follow by a 30 min nap and another maple latte.
My new logo for my project

Then meet up with an SEO friend, to work on some magical stuff;)!

It was the first time I have ever ate at a "raw" place. I will be honest I was surprised! One thing I will say, is vegan pizza is just not as good as real pizza ! I love my cheese!

See photos below for what I ate!

We then went to Common Roots for another maple latte. ( ok, at this point I can say I might turn into a maple latte)

After this we went to a shall we say colorful neighborhood!

Really, hard metal in a coffee shop? Really? WTF! Metal and coffee shops do not mix FYI! ( but I guess if u are in a colorful neighborhood it works.... NOT!!!!!!!!)

So, now at this point, I swear I am talking a thousand words per minute! I feel like a jitter ball of fun ( yes, I just said jitter ball of fun, but that is all my poor mind can come up with at 1 am!)

While sitting outside we were entertained by the guy who had been asleep for the last ten year, and finally woke up. He needed some coffee, shall we say, he was a bit gruff around the edge! He yelled out his window "what do you want? RRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Find I'll be down in a minute" (Side Note, the outfit was killer. It was a wife beater top and a rob, oh yeah who could forget the bed head and ciggy dangling from his mouth?) He screamed all of this at the poor guy who was bringing him the hat he forgot. No good deed goes unpunished. What a sight!

All this craziness was filled by the classic singing of some women! After this we decide to, shall we say, walk back to the hipster part of town (ie safe part of town)!

After this we split up only for me to head home to listen to.... You guessed it the 90's, and cook enough food for the next month;)!

See photo below, for what I mean!

Yes, I have frozen dinners, and that means that maybe, I will stop eating icecream for dinner. (yeah right, but it's a nice thought)
Yes, that's 30 bags of food! ( 1.92 for half pound of hamburger meat and  1.82 for sausage... Oh hell Yeah!)

I made some killer tomato sauce (the name is MIA right now, will get back to you on it)
Not pretty, but let me tell you it will be tasty!
Beside cooking, I got to catch up with a killer awesome close friend! ( only chatted for a short 2 hr convo)

Well, that pretty much covers my night, minus being wired and listening the bats and the old man falling out of his bed, for the third time in the last 20 mins.

Listening to him fall is like listening to a thunderstorm! After he falls out you get to listen to him stumble around and get back in bed.

Well, the coffee is fading and I need some sleep . ( not even sure if I'm making sense right now, will fix my errors tomorrow, sorry for them)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ok so before I spend time catching you up!

I'm planning on writing more tomorrow (no laughing), but this time I mean it! Now that Google has finally figured out that maybe people like to post from their phones to their blogs!

You know what this means you will hear from me more;)

Ok so let's see where to start tonight? Hmm.... I know.... Watermelon tuna?

I bet by now you are truly wondering what planet am I on? Its ok, I am still on earth.

Since, we last talked I have dabbled in the world of food deconstruction and molecular gastronomy!

Science and Jordan.... What... Now I'm sure the aliens got her....

I promise it's still me. I will be honest, I love it! It is like art meets food, while still questioning your view point! (does that not say Jordan all over it?)

Ok, back to my watermelon tuna!

Check this page out for a recipe

And this one out for a video.

So, I decided to try it!

All I can say is wow! It taste like tuna! It is so odd, but so good!

It's the first time I can say I like watermelon;)