Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Huge Slacker

But I guess you are use to it by now!

Feb 14 and 15 and 16, were really boring.... ie I came home and sleep from 6 to 6 am. ( Not sure why I was so tired)

Oh wait! on the 16th I cooked a really good meal.
Watch your eyes it is food porn!

ARe your eyes closed?

On Friday I was ready to finally take the big step, and go to a bar alone! Not that I was scared, but rather was too busy exploring the rest of the city to be bothered by a bar. I looked up the bus schedule, so I would be safe when I came home. 

Funny story for you..... Muddy Waters is only 1/4 mile from my house, and to get to the bus I would need to walk 1/2 mile. Hmmm, that is a hard one. So yes, I did walk home. I was at the bar across the street from Muddy Waters, because it was too packed.

I FOUND CIDER!  I had a Strong Bull, which for those of you who are not familiar with ciders it is like a PBR. It is ok, but it is  the cider you drink after you have run out of the good stuff. After two ciders and a truly boring chat with a guy, I was ready to hit the sack. ( The guy that sat next to me wanted to tell me about his kid... his ex.... his job.... all of his tattoos..... and think there was more but I kinda fell asleep listening)

Saturday was going to be a great day...but I was awoken with a migraine.........no I was not hung over! I have been struggling with more migraines than I know what to do with. ( have one as I write this.)

On Sunday I was still fighting my Migraine, but end up taking a road trip to clean my car! I spent three hours at the car wash. I vacuumed and oiled all of my interior of my car. My dad would be so proud of me. :) I also ventured to a grocery store ( my favorite place to be, as you know)
It is like Glutrads for Chocolate lovers

What has the world come to? Frozen oatmeal, really?



My biggest treasure, a spice rack, found at the dollar store

I found my new favorite street!


Minnehaha AVE!

No, I am not joking! Here is proof. Google map

After my fantastic  shopping experience, I came home to cook! I had tons of great ideas, but some how the only thing I made was a chicken.

As you can see by the photo it was an epic fail in De-boneing the chicken. I guess thats why my chicken presentation always looks like a raven attacked it.

So, I had about two tasty bits, and I was so tried and now in so much pain from my migraine that I surrendered to my body and went to sleep around 8.

I am about to surrender again, but will write more tomorrow! I am scared about the roads tomorrow! You know it is bad when it has been raining for the last 2 hr and it is freezing to the ground and trees! I also have a pounding head.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Will post more

more creepy cupcakes!

Can I have all of them please!

Vday the only day you can get away with eating Chocolate for breakfast and all day long :)


So, a new goal is to post cool things I find. Check out this link.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Slacker must be my middle name

Ok, you caught me again slacking on this blog thing. It is not that I dont have a lot to say, but rather by the end of the day the computer is the last thing that I want to stare at.

Let me try to catch you up.

I find myself running into walls well kinda. I have had heating stories, communication problems, and getting lost problems.

I also have some fun news for you as well. I have found a new watering hole and a TURKISH food store. (Yes this is another time that you could say that I could get into trouble in a food store.)

I am going to start with my good stuff first, so those of you who are reading this dont get too bored and move on, before reading the good stuff.

So, lets start with this weekend... SAT..... I decided to explore a new area and a recommendation. I found a bar/ coffee shop that has IRISH CIDER AND WINE AND GOOD FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

If you can't tell I am a little excited about this. DID I MENTION THAT IT HAS IRISH CIDER!!! ( I will be heading down there after my hardcore swim tonight.)

Anyway back to the blog.... http://www.muddywatersmpls.com/coffee.html this is the website about the place. For those of you who are in Bozeman, it is like a hybrid of the Daily Coffee, Boodles,  the Naked Noodle,  the Bay, and International Coffee all wrapped into one place. Now if only they had live jazz, this would be the only place you would find me.

So, after enjoying my new found heaven, I decided to venture on for more fun. I found a Turkish Food Store..  I think that the people who work in the Grocery stores, must laugh at me when I come into their store. 

I always walk in with the biggest smile, and stay there for what seems to be days... I scope the shelves admire the products, and mentally try to figure what the hell it is. If that is not something to giggle about, than maybe the fact that I pull things off the shelf, stare at it, look puzzle, and than put it back on the shelf only to go about a step down and do it all over again.

After my mirco- hours in the store I found the cheese section..... NOW MY EYES ARE HUGE..

I decided to try the Guoda with basil and the Guoda with walnuts. BOTH ARE AWESOME
I had to get out of this store, or I would be trapped there for ever..
I ventured across the street into a vintage store. I wondered around and then..........I found a pair of $20 boots.
Mom, if you are reading this look away now....!!!!!!!!!


Ok, you can look again.

At this point I needed to go home before I found any other treasures. IT WAS BLOODY COLD! How does 10 degrees get so cold? (Answer........Humidity!!!!!!)

After managing to form my Popsicle hand around the key to open the door to warmth I was ready for a glass of wine and a hot dinner.

For all you winos out there check this wine out. It is a great one.

I am going to blame the cold weather for the reason why one glass of wine made me truly drunk, and ended my Sat at 8pm.

So then there is Sunday. I have found a new goal..............
It is called latte art.
You know what this means right? In order to get better, one must practice.... This means I am wired with the amount of caffeine entering my blood stream. BUT Practice makes perfect, right?

To counteract this problem I decide to make Pancakes... ( some of you know this is a very bad idea) Well, I would like to tell you my massive pancake turned out killer. ( and by that I mean good)

So then, there was nap time. It is the only way to solve a full tummy and sun coming into your room problem!
After waking up around two I decided to get all dolled up and head to the Common Root Coffee shop. Don't ask why, but I wanted to.
new fashion

After coffee shop adventures...it was cooking time.
Two soups later, and a turkey, it was time to call it a weekend. Will say it was a great one.

So, one more thing before I rant.
I kinda like when there is rush hour traffic that makes you stop for ten minutes strait. It gives me a chance to gawk at the city.

AND NOW FOR THE brief rant.





I AM GOING TO GO SWIM! I hope some how I am able to find my answers to my problems there!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sorry for the delay...

So let me start by saying sorry, I have been slacking!

My second day was a little harder. I want to blame it on the nightmares that I had the night before. Anyways beside the hard day I had really really weird things happen to me. My alarm clock shorted out my phone, and both did not go off, but made it to work at 7:22 AM. I get there, and one of the doors were open, but not the one into the actually building. It was strange................

So, my day continued to have weird things happen, and it really started to bug me. After work I came home, and went straight to bed, well kinda. I made a lentil soup, and took a bubble bath, and then, off to bed.

I miss Sammy.

Day three.......

I am just going to say what an awesome day. :) Everything was going my way. I had the world on my side. On my way home, I got to witness a sweet sunset. I am not going to lie the commute home is not that bad. It reminds me of when I would take rides with my dad. I also, realized that I am starting to refer to the building in down town Minneapolis as MY CITY. YES MY CIty!

Check that out

it is on auto record ( I cut it from a video)

Minneapolis just feels like home. It has the MT feel/ attitude, it is the perfect size for me, and it has the things that make me happy.

So, I decided to take the night off from cooking, and had the BEST GLUTEN FREE PIZZA EVER!
Pizza, Wine, and a Chocolate Brownie... Yup that is how the chief takes the night off

As for the weekend............ I did nothing but enjoy myself...... I watched movies, and sleep, until Sunday....

And the SHARK CAME OUT ! (I may have even played Jaws music, while I steamed.... :)..... Just maybe. :)
And that brings us to today. 
I got thrown in the deep-end with chemicals. ( mind you that the last time I took a chem related class was in hs.)

So, after giving the deer in the headlight stare to my boss.. He explained it in well kinda simpler terms. I think this may take some time. (David how does your head not exploded?)

I will say the highlight of my research was this....

After my long chemical day I decided to drain the toxic material in some good old chlorine. I swam my mile. On my way home I mange to end up in the Lunds ( a killer grocery store)  I may have gotten lost, but who is keeping track.

I wandered around, and was like a little kid in the candy shop.
I have a new addition to my family

check that produce out

Yes, i did get brie

You know how some girls get in trouble when they go to the mall.. Not me.. I get in trouble when I go to the grocery store. 
Plant lady returns

can you spot the new member?

bad hair day?

All I wanted for dinner was a salad. 

Ok, so maybe I went crazy with my salad!

And folks  it is time for this blogger  to hit the hay. ( 11:45 pm)